Writing Helps
Why do I believe so strongly in the power of writing?
Why do I believe so strongly in the power of writing?
When we write, we open our minds to higher-level thinking than when we just brood. Writing helps us explore ourselves, expose important thoughts and feelings we didn’t know we were carrying, and then express them. All of that can be cathartic. And even in casual writing, when we organize our words to put them onto the page, we’re establishing order from our internal chaos, which can be helpful in situations where we’re experiencing a loss of control (like, you know, in a global pandemic).
And here’s the other thing: I believe we’re often our own best sources of wisdom. Deep down, you know the things you need. Deep down, you know the things that will help. Writing reflectively about these prompts will help you re-focus on things that will help, things you know and trust and believe in.
And giving ourselves a parcel of time to sit down and really center into ourselves is nourishing and supportive. Each time we give ourselves the gift of our own attention, we build self-trust.
When we write, we validate the importance of our own perspectives. We choose for ourselves how to describe a moment, an event, a feeling. Authorship and authority come from the same root word. When we write, we claim authority for ourselves and we bear witness to our own lives.
Writing helps. That’s why I’m so impassioned about it and committed to it, not just for myself but for others.