What have you liked best?
If you've participated in one of my offerings previously, what have you like best?
What length of virtual offering do you prefer?
(Examples include one stand-alone session, a two-session event, a virtual weekend retreat, a multi-week offering where we gather once a week, or a recurring monthly gathering.)
Type of Content
What type of content most interests you? General personal growth/development? Healing? Creative development? Writing skills? Empowerment? Building self-trust? Self-compassion? Self-exploration? (Feel free to write in other topics that interest you that I haven't included here.)
How much focus do you like to have on writing during an event?
Do you prefer a lot of time for writing during an event/offering, or would you prefer just a little?
What type of writing is most important to you?
Do you want to focus on creative writing, or do you prefer purely reflective writing?
Bonding with other women
How important is it to you to gather with the same group of women over a more prolonged period?
Interaction with other women
Would you like to see more time providing in my offerings for sharing and for chances to interact with the other women in the group?
Would you like to see more emphasis on the creative process and developing your own creativity? (Any specific suggestions here would be welcome!)
Would you like to see more emphasis on spirituality/spirit-work? (Any specific suggestions here would be welcome!)
Would you like to see more emphasis on processes that support healing? (Any specific suggestions here would be welcome!)
Would you like to see more emphasis on self-empowerment and building self-trust? (Any specific suggestions here would be welcome!)
Would you like to see more emphasis on women-centered issues and feminism? (Any specific suggestions here would be welcome!)
Would you like to see more emphasis on developing more connection to your body? (Any specific suggestions here would be welcome!)